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Woman’s Temple


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My name is Deva Dancing Songbird. I am the founder of Woman’s Temple. I am a Mentor, Conscious Dance Facilitator, Channeler, Yoga Teacher, Birth Doula, and Womb Priestess. I support women in healing their body, mind & spirit, through movement, breath, sound & awareness.

I have dedicated my life to healing & wellness for the last 24 years.

My story

I was born in Scotland.

In 1999, I encountered DMT. I had a spiritual awakening that saved my life. I experienced an energetic freedom and expansion of consciousness. I felt Ecstatic/Shamanic Dance pour into my body. I opened my ability to channel Light Language. I felt oneness with Spirit.

That pivotal moment was the source of my determination to pursue my healing, spiritual path

I completed my first Yoga Teacher Training in 2001 and began teaching that year. Yoga was a way for me to connect with something other than what I perceived as my everyday reality. I felt that Yoga helped me access a place of mystery, magic and deep self connection.

After making several trips to study in India, I went on to spend a decade teaching Yoga & facilitating Conscious Dance in Cape Town, South Africa, from 2005 - 2015. Throughout this time I was also supporting clients through Light Language healing.

In 2015 I began to immerse myself in Tantric Practices. That same year, I moved to Bali and began my initiation as a Womb Priestess and I later went on to train as a Birth Doula in 2018.

Channelling Light Language, or as I like to call it, Universal Code Language, has formed a key part of my client work for the last 20 years, and is instrumental in my own, ongoing, journey of discovery.

I have supported thousands of women on their healing journey.

Irina Testimonial

Deva in action