1:1 Mentorship

with deva

1:1 Mentorship

Held over a period of 3 or 6 months, this 1:1 mentorship is for you if:

  • You would like to work with Deva as a mentor, to support you as you heal & liberate your body, mind & spirit.

  • You are ready to connect on a deeper level, with your body, inner energy, and intuition.

  • You want to learn to alchemize your energy.

  • You want to learn to use your sexual energy as a vehicle for transformation, healing and expansion of consciousness.

  • You wish to learn life long techniques to support you as you come into resonance with your soul frequency.

  • You want to connect with your guides and communicate easily with them.

  • You wish to strengthen your connection to your higher self.

In this 1:1 Mentorship, Deva channels directly for you.

Working with Deva 1:1, will help you to cultivate and strengthen the ability to truly surrender to your own energy. You become attuned to the truth of your body, your voice, your breath and your awareness.

This is where you connect with your inner power and activate the inner healer, the inner shaman, the one who knows.


  • Direct channelling specifically for you and to you in real time.

  • 12 live 1:1 channeled 2.5hr sessions with Deva

  • Live channeled teachings specifically for you

  • Daily rituals & practices to be done in support of your sessions

  • Explore your embodiment through movement, breath, sound and awareness,

  • Meditations

  • Check in session

  • PDF workbook tailored to your specific needs

  • Personal WhatsApp support


Brooke Testimonial